Week 2 Blog plate boundaries

 A tectonic plate is a very large, fault-bounded block of Earths crust and underlying upper mantle that moves as a coherent mass on top of the asthenosphere; also called a lithospheric plate. Indonesia is surrounded by plate boundaries including the Sunda plate and the Indo-Australian Plate. Indonesia which are convergent plates which move into each other, divergent plates which move apart and transform plates which slide past each other horizontally. Convergent Boundaries is interference between two tectonic plates in which one plate generally descends below the other in a process known as subduction.

Weird 2012 Quake Signals Tectonic Plate Birth | Live Science      

                                     Favorite Scientist

  My favorite scientist is Stephen Hawking. I love his research on the black hole. He was able to accomplish and discover so much while having ALS.



Keller A. Edward,et al. "Natural Hazards Earths Processes As Hazards, Disasters, And Catastrophes Pearson, 4th edition, 2015 



  1. Nice! It'll be interesting to see what you find out about earthquakes next week!

  2. Hello Angel, keep up the good work. I like how the map shows where the plates move to. I feel that its important to know where the plates move so that we have an idea what will happen next if possible.


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