Week 10 Blog

                                                         Indonesia Extreme Weather                                                                             

 Beware, Extreme Weather Will Still Affect Indonesia in the Next Week - Nusa  Daily 

Indonesia weather occurs during dry and rainy seasons times in the regions of Indonesia. The weather conditions are triggered by active monsoon which then increases wet airs mass supply in Indonesia. According to The Sydney Morning Herald it states "In Indonesia, it combined with slower wind speeds and warmer sea surface temperatures that increased the supply of vapor to form rain clouds."Indonesia is trying to prevent it according to Gizmo-do it states"Indonesia is trying something different by overloading clouds with particles. This method should create a sort of surplus of nuclei where water can form into droplets, forcing them to compete for water."

 Illustration for article titled Indonesia Turns to Weather Control to Stop Rains Amidst Deadly FloodsIllustration for article titled Indonesia Turns to Weather Control to Stop Rains Amidst Deadly FloodsJakarta among cities most threatened by rising sea levels, extreme weather:  Report - City - The Jakarta Post
















  1. Hello Angel,

    Thank you for sharing all this great information about Indonesia's extreme weather. I find it so amazing how they are overloading clouds with particles to prevent rain clouds. I found your blog quite interesting and fascinating.

    Jasmine Maciel

  2. Hey Angel! I saw that you commented on my blog, so I thought this would be great opportunity to check out yours! Tonga and Indonesia definitely has some similarities, but what really interest me is learning about the overloading of clouds. Great post! and I can't wait to see what other techniques and methods Indonesia use in the future.


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