
Indonesia Blog Wk16&17

 The main natural hazard Indonesia faces are tsunamis.Tsunamis have destroyed many houses, buildings and farms throughout the islands of Indonesia. Tsunamis in Indonesia are caused by undersea landslides. Many citizens in the islands lose love ones due to natural hazards and destroy their property. People are plan on construction a house to should construct one where there is less of a chance of natural hazards to occur. Another thing to point out is having a house right near Papua New Guinea.                                                                                          Works Cited

Week 13 Blog

                                                                          Coastal Problems in Indonesia    The most common problem Indonesia has with coastal is coastal erosion, flooding and water pollution. All those types of issues affect the coastal areas. The coastal erosion is taking a toll on Indonesia's island and coastlines. Indonesia has over 17,000 islands and over 80,000 kilometers of coastlines. Many small islands are seeing sea level rising and could potentially destroy dozens of island overtime.                                                                                          Prevention  Indonesia people living in the island of Java have been planning to restore areas of it coastlines. It states "Indonesia plans to restore the eroding areas of its coastline in Java and Bali with nature based approaches inspired on Dutch methods."It will result in mangrove deforestation and land subsidence. It will have major implications in Indonesia's coastal sa

Week 10 Blog

                                                                       Indonesia Extreme Weather                                                                                                      Indonesia weather occurs during dry and rainy seasons times in the regions of Indonesia. The weather conditions are triggered by active monsoon which then increases wet airs mass supply in Indonesia. According to The Sydney Morning Herald it states " In Indonesia, it combined with slower wind speeds and warmer sea surface temperatures that increased the supply of vapor to form rain clouds."Indonesia is trying to prevent it according to Gizmo-do it states" Indonesia is trying something different by overloading clouds with particles. This method should create a sort of surplus of nuclei where water can form into droplets, forcing them to compete for water."                                                                                              Citations     http

Week 8 Mass Wasting

                                                                             Mass Wasting Hazards Mass Wasting is the downhill movement of soil and rocks fragments induced by gravity. Indonesia have landslides and floods triggered by torrential downpours. For Mass Wasting hillsides and downhill movement are examples of mass wasting. According to a 2015 article landslides claimed 248 lives in 2014.                                                                 Indonesia Prevention plans According to Land-risk in Indonesia website Indonesia officials have been preventing from constructing buildings near high risk areas.                                                                                     Citations

Week 5 Blog

                                                                               Volcano Activity    Indonesia has more than 120 active volcano. The biggest volcano eruption that took place in Indonesia was on April 17, 1815 where the Tambora Volcano erupted killing almost 100,000 people. The most recent eruption was on August 10th 2020 when Mount Sinabung erupted firing ash 5,000 meters in the sky. Tens of thousands of people always have leave their homes due to volcano activity.                                                                                 Warning System  According in 2018 Indonesia plans to build a new warning system capable of detecting tsunamis days after a volcanic eruption . Experts say volcano set off undersea landslides causing tsunamis. however some system in Indonesia use color codes and alert levels.                                                                                                                                                              

Week 3 Earthquakes

 Seismicity means the occurrence or frequency of earthquakes in a region.                    The picture above shows the seismic in Indonesia from 1973-2004. " Indonesia has a high seismicity rate which is related to subduction and collision as well as strike-slip fault. High-precision earthquake locations with adequate relocation method and proper velocity model are necessary for seismicity analysis" says EGU General Assembly. Indonesia recenlty had a 5.4 Earthquake on September 2nd at 4:25pm.                                                      Preventing an Earthquake Catastrophe According to relief Web it states "In 2007, Indonesia issued Law No.24 on Disaster Management which sets the legal framework for the coordination of disaster management efforts, the management of related funds, as well as the involvement of international agencies and NGO. In 2008, Indonesia established the National Agency for Disaster Management (Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Nasional or B

Week 2 Blog plate boundaries

 A tectonic plate is a very large, fault-bounded block of Earths crust and underlying upper mantle that moves as a coherent mass on top of the asthenosphere; also called a lithospheric plate. Indonesia is surrounded by plate boundaries including the Sunda plate and the Indo-Australian Plate. Indonesia which are convergent plates which move into each other, divergent plates which move apart and transform plates which slide past each other horizontally. Convergent Boundaries is interference between two tectonic plates in which one plate generally descends below the other in a process known as subduction.                                                        Favorite Scientist   My favorite scientist is Stephen Hawking. I love his research on the black hole. He was able to accomplish and discover so much while having ALS.                                                                                                                      References  Keller A. Edward,et al. "Natural